Friday, June 21, 2013

Travel Day and night in Savannah!!

We left the hotel bright and early because Marc had class at 8:30 am.

It stopped raining briefly that morning but by the time we got to Marc's class the rain had started falling again and this was while we were standing outside waiting for his professor to show up. We ended up staying around about 40 minutes but the professor didn't! Not a problem for us because this meant we could get on the road even earlier then originally planned for our ride to Orlando!! 

Marc can't go anywhere in the morning without a cup of coffee!! And why is it I hot better wifi reception in the car at McDonald's then I did at the hotel???? 

We stopped in a SAMs Club for some "snackege" for the trip and a little reading material for me. We made a couple of other stops along the way, including a quick stop at one of my favorite clothing stores! I hadn't been in a Catos in months!!! 

We finally stopped right outside of Savannah for the night. I wanted a salad but they were all out so I ended up just munching on some of Marc's no salt fries!! 

We found a decent room at the Country Inn and Suites for the night. Nothing to write home to mom about but decent enough! At least it included a "full" breakfast in the morning! Next stop... Florida!!!