Thursday, November 16, 2017

Lowe's Disney Christmas Decorations!

My girlfriend Maggie made the mistake of showing me a bunch of Disney Christmas Decorations she found at Lowe's. She sent me a ton of pictures, but I had to go see for myself. LOL 

The Strobe lights ( I think that is what they are called) looked really cool. 

More lights!

And lots of yard décor to choose from!

Random Disney Christmas Decor Vlog to Lowe's

One of my girlfriends told me about Christmas decorations available at Lowe's of all places. So my daughter and I had to go and check it out. Here is a small clip of us exploring and getting a bit of Christmas inspiration before the start of the holidays.

Friday, November 10, 2017

New Collection?

So....I may, or may not have found a new obsession! For months before our trip I kept hearing about Tsum Tsums (which I gathered are from a game..which I don't do). And I kept seeing people talk about collecting the "fuzzy" versions. Problem is I wasn't that excited about the fuzzy ones...but one day while I was at Ollie's I noticed these and from the moment I picked up my first pack it was a wrap! I don't think I will require many more just because I have gathered most that I wanted with the exception of a few princesses and the additional characters from frozen. 

So here is the collection thus far.

A few close up shots taken with my phone. I mean, are they not the cutest thing you have ever seen? LOL 

They do have a guide that you can check off of the ones that are available and I am not sure how long ago these came out on the market because usually by the time things make it to Ollie's they are discontinued or have been out from the year before. Doesn't really matter to me. I got them for three dollars and pack and I am content. LOL When I get my office back in order next year (I figure if I say this enough times I will be motivated to finish lol), I will display them in the room along with some other Disney collectibles.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Disney Subscription Boxes

For a few years now I have been subscribing to Ipsy which is a make up subscription that comes to my mailbox each month. I didn't know that Disney Subscription box was a thing until recently and so I started doing some research. Who knew there were so many!!! 

Mickey Monthly 

Gifts From Mickey

Walt Life

Theme Park Monthly

The Mouse Merch Box

I'm thinking about doing a couple of the boxes for my youtube channel. Have any of you ever tried them? What's your thoughts? I figure its a great way to get a bit of Disney when you can't get to the parks. I also think they would make a great Christmas gift for your favorite Disney Addicts (hint, hint to any of my family wondering what to get me lol).