Friday, August 12, 2011

Disney Princess

I couldn't post about Disney and not mention the other Disney "princess" in the house (since you met the "queen")! This is my youngest daughter Nicki. She is 25 years old and is our fashionista in the family. Thankfully growing up has not kept her from her Disney roots (she has had a love affair going on for all things Eeyore since she was a kid. She also loves Piglet and Tinkerbell)! 

You won't find the typical "Disney" wardrobe in her suitcase which by the way is still not packed (unless you count the Minnie Shirt that I got for all three of us to wear to Cape May). She picked up this shirt from Target...its way cooler then my Eiffel Tower t-shirt.

Nicki and her dad have many things in of which is a love of shoes! They have more then the entire family combined....yet, you wouldn't think so by this trip. They are each only taking three pair!!! What's up with that?

This top reminds me of Boma at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. To bad we are not eating there this trip. Maybe she can wear it to Animal Kingdom instead! Nicki is soo tiny that the majority of here wardrobe fits in these two Forever21 bags! I kid you the most she may have to add two more outfits! Ima need her to get on the stick though and get those bags packed ASAP!

If I can get Marc to put on one of his many Disney caps and take a picture I will re-introduce you to him. Because honestly if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have been able to make all of my Disney dreams come true the last 8 years! Gotta love a man that supports your Disney habits!