Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Casual Wear/Gym Wear

From experience, I know I am apt to change my mind in the morning about what I will wear during the day when I am on vacation. It may depend on the weather, or just the mood I am in. So I have laid out a few casual outfits for sea days, including a gym outfit! Call me crazy, but I have this fantasy of walking on the treadmill while watching the ocean in front of me. Only time will tell if that actually happens! LOL I also "plan" to take a walk around the ship early morning, and the goal is to use the stairs as often as possible. There is nothing in the "rule" book that says you can't look cute while doing that, and if I have to change later because of the temps I will be prepared. The Aqua and Black tunic is actually a Swim Suit Cover Up that I brought yrs ago from Marshall's. The leggings and tanks are from a discount dept. store (aka Roses and WalMart) and the Gray set is from the same place (all were brought on clearance, or at rock bottom prices). I will more then likely wear some of the same jewelry pieces from my first day onboard, along with the shoes. I have some black and white flats that would also work with these two outfits and take up very little space in my suitcase.